Inorganic Chemistry


1. Atomic structure: General study of the modern concept of the structure of atom. Rutherford atom model,  Bohr’s atom model; quantum numbers, Pauli’s exclusion principle, electronic configurations of elements; elementary ideas about the wave nature of electrons; atomic orbitals.

2. Periodic classification: General survey of the classification of elements; periodic nature as related to the atomic structure. modern periodic table: its constition; s-block, p-block, d-block & f-block elements, change of properties of elements in periods & groups.

3. Sizes of atoms and ions: Atomic and ionic radii-ionization potential, electron affinity, electronegativity and their influences on the properties of molecules.

4. Bonding: Elementary ideas about the electronic theory of bonding, different bonds; hybridization of orbital, bond length, bond strength ad bond angles, shapes of molecules.

5. Transition metals: General chemistry of transition elements with reference to the elements of the first transition series (3d elements).

6. Acids and bases: Modern views about acids and bases, theories and theirs applications and limitations. strength of acids.

7. Group chemistry: Brief general study of the following groups of elements in the  periodic table with  reference to properties and uses of elements and their important compounds with special emphasis to comparative chemistry.

i) Inert gases ii) Alkali and coinage metals iii) Alkaline earth metals iv) Group-III v) Group-IV vi) Group-V vii) Group-VI viii) Group-VII. Elements.

8. Radio-activity: Discovery of radioactivity, concepts of half life, and disintegration constant of radioelements, uses of radioisotopes. Typical examples and elementary idea about artificial radio-activity and nuclear reactions.

9. Co-ordination compounds: Classification; Werner’s theory and electornic interpretation of the structure and isomerism in 6-coordinated complexes (elementary treatment only).

10. Principles of analytical chemistry: Theorical principles of qualitative and quantitative anlysis.

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