Atomic Physics and Quantum Mechanics



1. Atomic Spectrum:

Good quantum numbers, and selection rules. Stern-Gerlach experiment and spin as an intrinsic quantum number. Incompatibility of spin with classical ideas. Bohr-Sommerfeld model. Fine structure. Study of fine structure by Michelson interferometer.

2. Vector model of atom:

Magnetic moment of the electron, Lande g factor. Vector model – space quantization. Zeeman effect. Explanation from vector atom model.

3. Bohr’s hydrogen atom

Theory of hydrogen atom, expression of radii of electrons, expression of energies and hydrogen atom spectrum. Effect of nuclear motion on atomic spectra, reduced mass, modified Rydberg constant and wave number, Evidences in favour of Bohr’ s theory, correspondence principle, fine structure of special lines and Sommerfield’s relativistic atom model.

4. Uncertainity principle

Uncertainity principle - Its deduction and application to simple problems, viz, Non-existence of electron within nucleus, Ground state energy of Hydrogen atom, Radius of Bohr orbit.

5. Molecular spectroscopy

Diatomic molecules – rotational and vibrational energy levels. Basic ideas about molecular spectra. Raman effect and its application to molecular spectroscopy (qualitative discussion only).


1. Old quantum theory

Planck's formula of black-body radiation. Photoelectric effect. Quantization of energy levels.

2. Basic quantum mechanics

de Broglie hypothesis. Electron double-slit experiment. Compton effect, Davisson-Germer experiment, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (statement) with illustrations. Concept of wave function as describing the dynamical state of a single particle. Group and phase velocities, classical velocity of a particle and the group velocity of the wave representing the particle. Principle of superposition. Schrödinger equation. Probabilistic interpretation; equation of continuity, probability current density. Boundary conditions on the wave function.

3. Basic postulates of quantum mechanics

Dynamical variables as linear hermitian operators and eigenvalue equations, Momentum, energy and angular momentum operators. Measurement of observables, expectation values. Commutation relations between operators. Compatible observables and simultaneous measurements, Ehrenfest theorem.

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