Physical Chemistry


State of aggregation of matter: General discussion.

Gaseous state:
The gas laws. kinetic theory of gases, deviation form ideal behaviour. Amagat’s curves. Van der Waals equation. Andrew’s isotherms. Iequification of gases. Joule-Thompson effect. critical phenomena. molecular weights from gas density, abnormal molecular weights, thermal dissolution.

The Liquid state:
 The vapour pressure of liquids, intermaolecular forces, surface tension and viscosity of liquids, molecular structure and its relationship with surface tension, viscosity, optical rotation and dipole moment.

Work, energy and heat; first law of Thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy, laws of Thermochemistry. heat of reaction formation etc, heat capacities of substances. Kirchoffs equation.

Reversible and irreversible process, isothermal and adiabatic processess; second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, entropy, free energy, Gibb’s-Helmholtz equation, Clausius-Clapyron equation.

 Solution properties:
Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Henry’s law and distribution law and their simple applications (association dissociation and solvent extraction).

Colligative properties:
Raouit’s laws of lowering of vapour pressure, elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, their experimental determination.

Homogeneous equilibrium:
Law of mass ation, its enunciation and mathematical formulation of equilibrium constant and its application to chemical reactions, principle of mobile equilibrium and its application to industrial reactions.

Phase rule:
Simple one component systems, simple two component system with and with and without compound formation, partly miscible liquid pairs, principles of fractional distillation.

Surface chemistry and colloids:
  1. Different types of adsorption: Langmuir adsorption isotherm, classification of colloids, importance of colloids.
Chemical kinetics: First and second order reactions and their simple treatment, determination of order of reaction, simple theories of reaction rate (Only outline of Arrhenius). Catalysis (elementary treatment). 

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