Physical Geography & Environment


Physical Environment:

a. Elements and Components of Physical Environment

b. Global Cycles and Systems of the Earth's Environment

c. The Sources of Energy for the Earth's Environment

d. Major Energy Systems of Earth and Interrelation in Environmental systems

e. The Hydrologic Cycle, Water Budget, Water Resources

f. Scope and contents of Physical Geography and Environment



a. Size and Shape of the Earth

b. Materials of the Earth's Crust, Rocks and Minerals

c. Sculpturing of the Land Surface: Weathering, Erosion, Transportation and Deposition

d. Tectonic Processes in the Earth's Crust

e. Earthquakes and features produced in the Earth's Surface

f. Volcanoes: Types and Features in the Earth surface

g. Works of Rivers, Wind and Glacier.



a. Composition of the atmosphere

b. Elements and Factors of Weather and Climate

c. Insolation and Temperature, Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Temperature

d. Atmospheric Pressure and Wind System

e. Humidity, Condensation and Precipitation: Formation of Clouds, Fogs, Dews, Frosts,   Snows and Hails, Types and Distribution of Rainfall

f. Tropical and Temperate Cyclones

g. Study of the Climatic Types: Equatorial, Monsoon and Mediterranean



a. Distribution of Land and Water

b. Relief of the Ocean Floors

c. Ocean Deposits

d. Salinity of the Oceans and Seas

e. Tides and Currents of the Oceans

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