Economic Geography


Introduction to Economic Geography

a) Definition, Concept, Scope and Objective of Economic Geography b) Relation between Geography and Economics

c) Classification of Economic Activities


Economic Geography of Production


2.1 Primary Activities

a) Gathering, Hunting, Lumbering, Fishing, Mining and Nomadic Herding /Livestock Ranching

b) Agriculture: General characteristics of various agricultural systems and case studies of selected commodities such as Rice, Wheat, Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Rubber and Tea


2.2 Secondary Activities

a) Development and Distribution of Power and Energy Resources of the World

b) Manufacturing; Characteristics; Physical and Socio-economic Factors for growth of Industries

c) Major Industrial and Manufacturing regions of the world

d) Case Studies of some Industrial Complexes: Iron and Steel Industry, Apparel Industry, Textile Industry, Dairying and Mixed Farming Industries


2.3 Tertiary Activities

a) Transportation and Trade: Regional and International Pattem

b) Trade and its effect on the economy of the region


2.4 Quaternary Activities: Professional, Administrative Services and Entertainment


3. National Income and Product: GDP, GNP composition and change, financial institution and  

    their role in sectoral and overall development with respect to Bangladesh. 

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