

Mechanics of a Single Particle:

Velocity and acceleration of a particle in (i) plane polar coordinates - radial and cross-radial components (ii) spherical polar and (iii) cylindrical polar co-ordinate system; Time and path integral of force; work and energy; Conservative force and concept of potential; Dissipative forces; Conservation of linear and angular momentum.

Mechanics of a System of Particles:

Centre of mass, centre of mass frame, centre of moving systems, Collision: elastic and inelastic collision, coefficient of restitution. Expression of velocities of two bodies after elastic and inelastic collision in laboratory frame. Elastic collision in centre of mass frame. Relationship between angle of scatterings in laboratory frame and centre of mass frame. Motion of a rigid body about a fixed axis. Angular momentum and expression of angular momentum of a system of rotating bodies. Relationship of angular momentum of a system of bodies with angular momentum in centre of mass frame. Principle of conservation of angular momentum.

Rotational Motion:

Moment of inertia, radius of gyration; Energy and angular momentum of rotating systems of particles; Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems of moment of inertia; Calculation of moment of inertia for simple symmetric systems; Ellipsoid of inertia and inertia tensor; Setting up of principal axes in simple symmetric cases. Rotating frames of reference - Coriolis and centrifugal forces, simple examples. Force free motion of rigid bodies - free spherical top and free symmetric top. 

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