Data Communication and Computer Network

Introduction: Communication models, data communication tasks, network standards and organizations. Protocol architecture, communications between layers, peer to peer communication between remote layers, service access points, service primitives and communication between adjacent layers, encapsulation of PDUs, addition of headers on transmission; removal on reception, segmentation & reassembly by protocol layers, introduction to TCP/IP model and OSI models.

Physical Layer: Analog and digital data transmission, spectrum and bandwidth, transmission impairments, data rate and channel capacity.

Transmission Media: Characteristics and applications of various types of guided medium.

Wireless Transmission: Characteristics and applications of wireless transmission, terrestrial and satellite microwave, radio waves, propagation mechanism, free space propagation, land propagation, path loss, slow fading, fast fading, delay spread, inter symbol interference, VSAT.

Digital transmission: Line coding techniques- NRZ, RZ, Manchester, and differential Manchester encoding, AMI, Block coding, analog to digital conversion based on PCM, delta modulation, etc.

Analog transmission: ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, QAM encodings, AM, PM, FM, etc.

Data Transmission: Synchronous and asynchronous data transmission techniques, interfacing and V.24BIA-232-F, Multiplexing: FDM, international FDM carrier standards, synchronous TDM, international TDM carrier standards, statistical time division multiplexing. 

Spread Spectrum: Frequency hopping spread spectrum, direct sequence spread spectrum, code division multiple access.

High speed digital access: DSL, SONET, SDH, etc.

Data Link Layer: Error Detection and Correction; parity check, CRC, forward error correction technique, linear block code, hamming code, etc.

Data Link Control: Line configurations, flow control and error control techniques- sliding window, stop and wait ARQ, selective reject ARQ and HDLC protocols.

Data Communication and Network: Circuit switching network, packet switching network, X.25 etc., Introduction to telecommunication structure of public telephone system and its operation, simplex, duplex, half-duplex, full-duplex communication, etc.

Computer Networking: Definition and types of network, point-to-point connections, circuit-switched networks, message-switched networks, packet-switched networks. types of equipment-end systems, intermediate systems (IS), client and server communication, broadcast, unicast and multicast modes, Internet service providers (ISPs).

Local Area Network: Topologies, LAN protocols, bridges, repeaters, hub, switches, routers, Ethernet, Token ring, Fiber channel, Introduction to wireless LAN.

Application Layer: Principles of Application Layers, HTTP, FTP, E-mail, DNS, SNMP, Socket Programming, P2P Networks.

Transport Layer: Introduction to services, Multiplexing, UDP, Reliable data delivery, TCP, Congestion Control.

Network Layer: Virtual Circuits, IP, Addressing, Router Internals, Routing Algorithms.

Data Link Layer: Services, Error detection, Multiple Access Protocols, Link layer addressing, Ethernet, Switches, PPP.

Network Security: Introduction to Cryptography, Authentication, Digital Signatures, Key Distribution and certification, Firewalls.

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