Computer Fundamental and Programming Language

Computer Fundamentals: Computer basics, Components of a computer system, Importance, limitations, Classifications, generations and history of computers. 

Microcomputer System: Microcomputer basics, PC and PC clones, organizations of microcomputer, Bus architecture, Motherboard and its components, Adapter boards. 

Input and Output Devices: I/O operations and interfaces, Keyboard, Pointing devices, Scanners, Monitor, Printer, Plotters, Speakers. 

Microprocessors: Functions, organization and classifications of microprocessors, Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit, RISC, CISC, Special processors. 

Memory & Storage devices: Classification, General properties, Memory hierarchies, ROM, RAM, Cache memory, Secondary memory: Hard disk, Optical disk, flash memory. 

Computer Software: Software, Classification of software, Commercial software, Freeware, Advantages of package programs, popular package programs, Programming languages, High level languages. 

System Software and Operating System: System software, BIOS, Language translators, Text editor, OS: characteristics, Types, Linux, UNIX, MS DOS, Windows, utility programs. 

Database Concepts: Basic Concepts, database structures, Database management system, Benefits and limitations of DBMS. 

Computer Networks and the Internet: Introduction to computer network, Network terminologies, LAN topology, Transmission media, WAN, Bandwidth, Evolution of the internet, Internet services, Internet address, Electronic mail, The world wide web, introduction to some protocols. 

IT Applications: Concepts and applications of IT, Multimedia hardware and software, Ecommerce, Security: Computer and network security, malwares, antivirus. 

Computer and Society: Impact of computer and internet on society. 

Computer Programming: Introduction, Problem solving techniques, algorithm specification and development. Programming style, debugging and testing, documentation. Program design methodologies, structured and modular program design. 

Programming Language in C: Introduction to C, programming file structure: purpose of .h and .c files, Simple Makefile, constant, variable and data types, operator and expression, type conversion, decision making: branching and looping, arrays and strings, user defined functions, structures and union, bit field and bit-wise operations, pointer, file management in C, command line arguments, dynamic memory allocation and linked list, preprocessor, managing input/output operation.

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