Protohistory of South Asia

Topics: 1. Pre/Early Harappan Cultures: a. Development of Chalcolithic cultures at Mehrgarh and surrounding region. Early Harappan Cultures at Kulli, Nal, Amri, Kot Diji, Hakra, Ravi, Sothi, Padri, Pre-Prabhas, Anarta. 2. Harappan Culture: Origin and development of the Harappan Civilization, Geographical distribution, extent and settlement patterns, Town planning and architecture d. Trade, economy, technology and art. e. Harappan script- recent views f. Socio political and religious organization g. Decline : various theories, causes and consequences h. Late Harappan phase geographical distribution and salient features. 3. Regional Chalcolithic Traditions (Central India, Rajasthan and Gangetic Doab) a. Ahar-banas culture - distribution, architecture, characteristic features. b. Ganeshwar and Jodhpura :- distribution and material culture c. Central Indian Chalcolithic Cultures Kayatha, Malwa - distribution and characteristic, Major sites e. OCP and Copper Hoards :- distribution and cultural tradition f. Deccan Chalcolithic, Savalda, late Harrapan, Jorwe, distribution and major sites. Origin and decline of the Deccan Chalcolithic cultures. g. Chalcolithic cultures of the Ganga valley; Middle and lower Ganga valley. Vindhyian and Kaimur Chalcolithic, Neolithic-Chalcolithic cultures in Bihar and West Bengal. Major sites. h. Neolithic-Chalcolithic cultures of North-east and Odisha 

Select Readings

 Agrawal, D.P. 1982. Archaeology of India. Copenhagen: Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies. Agrawal, D.P. 2000. Ancient Metal Technology and Archaeology of South Asia (A PanAsian Perspective), Aryan Books International, New Delhi Agrawal, D.P. and D.K. Chakrabarti (eds.). 1979. Essays in Indian Protohistory. New Delhi: D.K Publishers. Allchin, F.R. and B. Allchin 1993. The Birth of Civilization in India. revised ed. New Delhi:Penguin Books. Allchin, Bridget and Raymond Allchin 1982. Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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