Organic Chemistry



Purfiction and analysis of organic compounds, hybridization,  nomenclature and structure of organic compounds.

Aliphatic compounds:

    General knowledge of the following terms: Free radicals, inductive effects,                               tautomerism, resonance, carbonium ions and carbanion.

    Isomerism: A general knowledge of isomerism including optical isomerism of                   substances containing one and two asymmetric carbon atoms and geometrical                                isomerism of carbon compounds.

    Aliphatic compounds: A general study, nomenclature, general methods of preparations, physical properties, reactions with special reference to functional       groups and characteristic reactions and important uses of alkanes, alkynes, alkenes, alkylhalides, hydroxy compounds, ethers, amines, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their esters halides, anhydrides and amides.

Aromatic compounds:

A general study of the hybridization and structure of benxene; resonance and delocalization. isomerism in benzene substitution, preparation & reactions of benzene, aromatic halides, phenols. aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, nitro, amino and diazonium compounds. polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons with special reference to the chemistry of naphthalene.

Important reactions:

General principles and applications of some important reactions:  Wurtzo-Fitting. Wlliamson systhesis, Malonnic and acetoacetic ester synthesis, Grignard reaction. Sandameyer reaction. Friedel-Crafts reaction. Aldol condesation, Cannizzaro reaction. Perkin reaction.

Haterocyclic compounds:

Furan, pyrrole, thiophene and pyridine- their preparation and properties.

Study of Carbohydrates:

With special reference to glucose, fructose, mutarotation, kiliani reaction and ruff’s degradation.

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