Ordinary Differential Equations


  1. Ordinary differential equations and their solutions: Definition and formation of differential equations. Classification of differential equations. Solutions. Implicit solutions. Singular solutions. Initial value problems. Boundary value problems. Basic existence and uniqueness theorems (statement and illustration only). Direction fields. Phase line.
  2. Solution of first order Differential equations : Separable equations. Linear equations. Exact equations. Special integrating factors. Substitutions and transformations. Homogeneous equations. Bernoulli equation. Riccati equation. First order higher degree equation-solvable for x,y and p. Clairaut's equation.
  3. Modelling with first order differential equations: Construction of differential equations as mathematical models (exponential growth and decay, heating and cooling, mixture of solution. Series circuit, logistic growth, chemical reaction, falling bodies). Model solutions . and interpretation of results. Orthogonal trajectories.
  4. Solution of higher order linear equations: Linear differential operators. Basic theory of linear differential equations. Solution space of homogeneous linear equations. Fundamental solutions of homogeneous solutions. Reduction of orders, Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients. Non-homogeneous equation. Method of undetermined coefficients. Variation of parameters. Euler-Cauchy differential equation.
  5. Series solutions of second order linear equations : Taylor series solutions. Frobenious series solutions. Series solutions of Legendre, Bessel, Laguerre and Hermite equations and their solutions.

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