1. Bulk properties of nuclei
Nuclear mass, charge, size, binding
energy, spin and magnetic moment. Isobars, isotopes and isotones; mass
spectrometer (Bainbridge).
2. Nuclear structure
Nature of forces between nucleons,
nuclear stability and nuclear binding, the liquid drop model (descriptive) and
the Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula, application to stability considerations,
extremesingle particle shell model (qualitative discussion with emphasis on
phenomenology with examples).
3. Unstable nuclei
(a) Alpha decay : alpha particle spectra – velocity and energy of
alpha particles. Geiger-Nuttal law.
(b) Beta
decay : nature of beta ray spectra, the neutrino, energy levels and decay
schemes, positron emission and electron capture, selection rules, beta
absorption and range of beta particles, Kurie plot.
(c) Gamma decay : gamma ray spectra and nuclear energy levels,
isomeric states. Gamma absorption in matter, photoelectric process, Compton
scattering, pair production (qualitative).
4. Nuclear fission and fusion
and characteristics, fission products and energy release, spontaneous and
induced fission, transuranic elements. Chain reaction and basic principle of nuclear
reactors. Nuclear fusion: energetics in terms of liquid drop model.
1. Crystal Geometry
Amorphous and crystalline materials, glassy forms
periodic lattice, basis, translation vectors, primitive and non-primitive
Crystal Axis, Unit Cell, Primitive and Conventional Bravais lattice, Miller
indices, symmetry, point groups and space groups. Body centered and face
centered lattices, interplanner spacing. Indices of lattice planes.
Bragg’s law, diffraction of X –ray, measurement of
lattice parameter for cubic lattices. Theory of Laue Spots.
Bonding in Solids
Types of bonding in solids, covalent, Ionic
bindings, energy of bonding, transition between covalent and ionic bonding,
metallic bonding, Vander waal’s bonding, hydrogen bond.
Lattice Vibrations
Linear monatomic chains, Acoustical and optical
phonons, Qualitative description of the phonon spectrum, Brillouin Zones,
Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat of solid T3
Qualitative description of free electron theory and its inadequacies with
reference to Hall effect and specific heat of electrons in metals.
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