Geography of Bangladesh


1.  Location and Boundary; Administrative divisions and geographic regions


2. The Natural Environment

            2.1 Geological Structure & Physiography

            2.2 Climate and Soil

            2.3 River Systems


3. Natural Resource Base

            3.1 Natural Vegetation and Forest

            3.2 Minerals and Energy Resources


4. Economic Base

            4.1 Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock

            4.2 Industry: Nature, Growth, Location and Distribution

            4.3 Trade and Commerce

            4.4 Transport and Communication


5. Population

            5.1 Size, Growth, Age and Sex Structure

            5.2 Density and distribution

            5.3 Population characteristics, Problems


6.   Hazards and disasters: Floods, cyclones, droughts, and  river bank erosion.

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