1. Electrostatics
Quantisation of charge and Millikan's oil-drop
experiment, Coulomb's law, intensity and potential --- example of point charge,
Gauss' theorem --- simple applications, potential and field due to an electric
dipole, mechanical force on the surface of a charged conductor. Dielectric
medium, polarization, electric displacement.
2. Capacitor
Parallel-plates and cylindrical, energy stored in parallel plate
3. Steady Current
analysis --- Kirchoff's laws, Thevnin and Norton's theorem, Wheatstone bridge,
4. Thermoelectricity
Peltier, and Thomson effects, laws of thermoelectricity, thermoelectric curve
--- neutral and inversion temperature, thermoelectric power.
5. Magnetic effect of current
Biot and Savart's law, Ampere's
circuital law (statement only), magnetic field due to a straight conductor,
circular coil, solenoid, endless solenoid, Magnetic field due to a small
current loop --- concept of magnetic dipole, Ampere's equivalence theorem.
6. Lorentz force
Force on a moving charge in simultaneous
electric and magnetic fields, force on a current carrying conductor in a
magnetic field.
7. Magnetic materials
Intensity of magnetization, relation
between B, H, and M --- illustration in the case of bar
magnet, magnetic susceptibility --- dia, para and ferromagnetic materials,
statement of Curie's law. Hysteresis in a ferromagnetic material, hysteresis
8. Electromagnetic induction
Self and mutual inductances in simple cases, energy stored in inductance.
9. Varying currents
Growth and decay of currents in L-R
circuit; charging and discharging of capacitor in C-R circuit.
10. Alternating current
Mean and r.m.s. values of current and
emf with sinusoidal wave form; LR, CR and series LCR circuits, reactance,
impedance, phase-angle, power dissipation in AC circuit --- power factor,
vector diagram, resonance in a series LCR circuit, Q-factor, principle of ideal
1. Thermo-ionic emission
classical deduction of Richardson’s equation,
characteristic curve of a vacuum diode, space charge, temperature and space
charge limited current, Child Langmuir law, Triode and its characteristics
curves, parameters from these curves. Triode as an amplifier, graphical
analysis with load line. Semiconductors : junction diode, zener diode &
their applications.
2. Basic concepts of Transistor
PNP & NPN transistors operation, characteristics
curves of a transistor in common emitter and common base mode - current
amplification factor, input & output resistance. Transistor as an amplifier
(simple Mathematical treatment) in CE mode, d.c and a.c load line, graphical
analysis of the amplifier.
3. Feed back in amplifiers
conditions of oscillation, Barkhausen criteria ;
Working principle & description of Tuned collector and Hartley oscillators
mentioning frequency of oscillation.
4. Logic gates
Logic gates: OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, their circuit
realization & truth tables. Boolean algebra, de Morgan’s theorem, flip-flop
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