Database Management System and Information System Design

Introduction: General overview and purpose of DBMS, advantages, applications, common features and overall structure of database. 

Data modeling: Relational model: structure of relational model, key constraints, referential integrity constraints, general constraints, relational algebra – fundamental, additional and extended operations, aggregate functions, outer joins and database modification using RA. ER model: entity and relationship sets, constraints – key, mapping cardinality and participation constraints, strong and weak entity sets, E-R diagram, class hierarchies, aggregation, conceptual database design with the ER model, converting ER to relational model, Object-relational data model: complex data types, structured types and inheritance, implementing O-R features.

Relational database design: Features of good relational design, functional dependency theory - basic concept, uses, closure of a set of FDs, closure of attribute sets, canonical cover, algorithms for FDs, decomposition using FDs & its desirable properties, atomic domains and first normal form, BCNF and 3NF, multivalued dependencies and fourth normal form, decomposition algorithms for different normal forms, database design process.

Database application development: Database Management Systems (DBMS s), SQL: data definition and data manipulation languages, integrity constraints, basic queries, nested and complex queries, modification of the database, Views: definition, update on views, cursors, Extending DBMS functionality: stored procedures, assertions and triggers, embedded and dynamic SQL, DBMS administration: DBA, users, privileges, security, performance, ODBC, JDBC, Web/Database architectures.

DBMS implementation technology: Storage and file structure: different storage types, file and record organization, data dictionary storage, Indexing and hashing: basic concepts, ordered indices, B+-tree index files, B-tree index files, static & dynamic hashing, comparison of ordered indexing & hashing.

Query processing: overview, measures of query costs, selection operation, sorting, join operation, other operations, evaluation of expressions. Query optimization: Introduction, transformation of relational expressions, evaluation plan.

Transaction processing: Transactions: concepts, ACID properties, transaction states, concurrent schedules, serializability - conflict and view serializability, recoverability, Concurrency control: lock-based concurrency control, two-phase locking, problems with locking, locking and starvation, deadlock – prevention, detection and recovery.

Introduction to modern database systems: object-relational databases, deductive databases, spatial databases, temporal databases, multimedia databases, mobile databases and advanced relational databases. 

Information System Design: Introduction to general systems theory, Players in the Systems Game, Information Systems Building Blocks. Information Systems Development, Project Management. Systems Analysis, Requirements Discovery, Deliverables, Data Modeling and Analysis, Process Modeling, Feasibility Analysis and System Proposal, Systems Design, Applications Architecture and Modeling, Database Design, Output Design and Prototyping, Input Design and Prototyping, User Interface Design, Systems Construction and Implementation, Systems Operations and Support, Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling, Object-Oriented Design and Modeling.

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