Analytical Chemistry


1.      Basic concepts in analytical chemistry and statistical treatment of data: Analytical detection and quantification, sensitivity, selectivity, specificity, concentration limit, dilution limit etc. of chemical reactions, sample containers, sample preservation, sampling, sample dissolution, wet ashing and dry ashing, reagents and reactions, population and sample mean, standard deviation, relative standard deviation, coefficient of variation, variance, confidence limit, Gaussian distribution, statistical tests – the F test, the T test, the Q test, regression lines, least square method, coefficient of correlation.

2.      Volumetric analysis: Principle, apparatus, end point, indicator, general factors influencing volumetric method, advantages, acid-base titrations, redox titrations, complexometric titrations – complexing agents, influence of [H+] on complexation.

3.      Gravimetric analysis: Introduction, general requirements of a gravimetric method, precipitation from homogeneous solution.

4.      Spectrophotometric analysis: Ultraviolet and visible radiation, absorbance, transmittance, absorptivity, the Beer-Lambert’s law, limitations of Beer-Lambert’s law, basic components of a spectrophotometer, qualitative and quantitative analysis.

5.      Thermal analysis: Thermogravimetry (TG), types of TG, instrumentation, application of TG, differential thermal analysis (DTA): working principle, instrumentation, factors affecting DTA, applications, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC): working principle, instrumentation and applications.

6. Atomic spectrometric methods: Atomic absorption and atomic emission, absorption line width, choice of absorption line, flame emission spectrometry: instrumentation, flame emission analysis, atomic absorption spectrophotometry: principles, instrumentation and interferences, hydride vapour generation technique, cold vapour technique, advantages and disadvantages of AAS.

7. Voltammetric analysis: Diffusion current, half wave potential, oxygen interference, cyclic voltammetry(Cv), quantitative applications.

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